How to submit a paper
ASR conferences provide an appropriate forum for the oral presentations and discussions of all accepted papers. When submitting a paper to a conference, it is assumed that, once accepted, at least one author is present at the meeting to orally present the paper. In the event that circumstances unknown at the time of submission or of acceptance of a paper preclude its presentation by an author, arrangements for substitutes should be made. To reduce no-shows to the ASR events, the advance registration before submitting of the final manuscript is enforced.
All presented papers enter the 'best paper lane' for potentially having an extended version invited for journals .
Paper submission is handled electronically by the ASR site. In order to submit a paper you must follow the steps
•Go the conference page
•Go to the “Submission Page”
•There are two submission methods for each conference. One is from Electronic Submission System, and the other one is from Email Submission.
•Please choose one only.
•If you can't login the Electronic Submission System, please try to submit through Email Submission.
In any e-mail exchange with the organizers and logistics, please include the following items in the email subject:(i) Conference Name and the (ii) Paper ID.
Selection process
Submissions are peer reviewed by 3 members of the technical program committee (TPC). When only 2 reviews are available, an ASR expert ‘task force member’ provides a third review. TPC consists of international experts who are leading researchers in the field, working in academia and industry.
A TPC e-meeting will be held to validate the accepted papers; on the edge papers are re-reviewed. The papers that are promising but need more work enter a full second round of review and assisted improvement. The acceptance is based on the reviews and the quality of the submissions. There is no target for the acceptance rate; practically excellent papers are accepted. On average, the acceptance rate after the first revision varies from 30% to 42%, depending on the conference and workshop; the percentage may drop a little after the second revision.
Accepted papers are in two categories: (i) with minor revision, and (ii)with special request for revisions. Accepted papers with special request for revisions are submitted to a second round of revisions. Papers originally accepted may be rejected if the special requirements are not satisfied.
Papers with very valuable ideas, but in much need of presentation improvements, are given special attention; a TPC member from the ASR “task force” will be coaching the authors to improve the paper. The final version is again revised by a ASR member to validate the quality.
Accepted and rejected papers are acknowledged; reviews are sent to the authors in both cases.
Camera-ready versions are validated again on the Publisher site, for accuracy; fraudulent final submissions of substituted or of on purpose unprofessional content will be rejected.
Reviewers are instructed to keep confidentiality on the submissions /either accepted or rejected/; only accepted papers are exposed to the public audience.
Camera ready formatting guidelines
Camera ready papers are handled by the Publisher production editors and their contractors. Every conference has a link to a document on how to prepare your document for publication. The link is under "Format" in the Submission Page.
Authors should prepare an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of their paper. Papers must be in English and follow the format indicate in the Call for Papers.
Extra pages, in a limited number, at additional costs, are possible, as mentioned in the registration form of each conference.
Manuscript preparation details contain information on the paper formatting guidelines. Please follow these guidelines for the paper version to be uploaded on the publication site. The manuscript preparations are available from the specific conference page after the notifications are sent out.
Please carefully follow the editorial rules that are enforced when the camera-ready paper is inspected.
An accepted paper must be registered, following the registration form posted on the conference site. ASR registration is “per paper”, this means that each accepted paper must be registered on a separate registration form. If many authors of the same paper intend to attend the conference, a registration is needed for each attending author.
The logistics work and conference services are offered by ASR via many contractors and the registration fees covers these costs only.
When registering, please fill out all the required fields. The Copyright form must be hand signed in order to be processed. Only after the payment transaction succeeds is a paper considered registered.
When paying via the “wire transfer”, make sure the paper ID and the name of the contact author is listed properly on the transfer form at your bank. This is the only way that the sender can be properly identified. In this case, the registration must be initiated early enough to endure a successful transaction before the registration deadline.
Withdrawal and Plagiarism policy
ASR encourages young researches, professors, and engineers to submit new idea papers, practical results, lessons learnt, as well as any substantial contributions to the scientific community.
We strongly advise that the papers be carefully edited to improve the legibility of the text. The length of the originally submitted papers must not vary too much from the camera ready version.
While withdrawing a paper may happen in a limited number of cases, we support the fairness of the submission. Please take note of the following with respect to paper submissions:
(i) A submission SHOULT NOT be intended to get reviews from the TPC for the sole purpose of improving on the quality of the paper. A submission implies that the author intends to ultimately register the paper upon a favorable response from the organizers. ASR doesn’t encourage withdrawals after the paper is accepted.
(ii) Once submitted, a contribution should not be resubmitted to another event before a conformation of acceptance or rejection. As e-mail may fail, it is the responsibility of the authors to ensure there is no double submission based on an assumption that the paper was rejected, but the e-mail failed to be received. ASR doesn’t support double submissions. Once a paper is submitted elsewhere, and no decision was clearly received, don’t submit the same paper to ASR conferences.
(iii) Small amounts of already published material are allowed in any submission, under the condition that the source be clearly identified. If the reference is missing [quotes and citation], and the paper is published, the publishing authors must write a letter of apology to the original author. If the paper is not published, the review process must enforce the authors to make this reference; publication process continues only after the text was properly corrected.
(iv) ASR fully follows plagiarism polices of other organizations and cooperates with them to enforce them.
If plagiarism is discovered during the review process, the paper is automatically rejected; the author must explain the cause and write a letter of apology to the original author.
If plagiarism is discovered after the paper is published, the following rules apply.
For ACM Plagiarism policy, see: “Plagiarism on the rise”, Ronald F. Boisvert, Mary Jane Irwin, Communications of the ACM, June 2006, Volume 49, Number 6, pp.23-24.
As per the authors of the article mentioned above “the verbatim copying, near-verbatim copying, or purposely paraphrasing portions of another author’s’ paper” is plagiarism.
ASR endorses and applies the levels of offense, investigation and penalties set by the ACM Code of Ethics.
Litigations must be properly followed; the offending authors must apologize to the offended authors. ASR will inform the authors’ organization about the plagiarism facts. If subsequent offenses occur, the author is banned from publishing in ASR conferences. This rule is 100% enforced.
Unexpected Circumstances
ASR and its contractors ensure to the best of their ability that the scheduled events will take place in a most welcoming manner, both from a technical stand point, as well as attendees' well being perspective. Certain events beyond our control may occur, which can directly affect the event schedule and/or participants' security and health. Such cases can be earth quakes, major floods, hurricanes, contagious disease epidemics, hostile social movements, wars, general strikes, and dysfunctional infrastructure (e.g., transportation, food, police).
In cases falling under the above described scenarios, ASR reserves the right to relocate the event, postpone the event, adapt the offered services. Additionally, the above described situations can affect the ability to deliver other local services (e.g., shuttle, shows, social events, etc.).
ASR and its contractors commit to professionally handle the submissions, ensure their publication, and eventually provide the CD proceedings to the authors who registered for the event.
ASR and its contractors do not carry any insurance against event cancellation, postponement, relocation to alternate premises, or non-appearance of attractions.
To this effect, you are encouraged to purchase individual insurance on your own.
For any additional inquiry, send an e-mail to